Our delicious Christmas dinner…

25 December 2011

Merry Christmas everybody! I pray you all had a wonderful day filled with peace, love & laughter. I had told myself that I wouldn’t load Lightroom on my computer today and edit, but I just had to share some photos of our delicious Christmas dinner we have just shared together. Rebecca & Nick are building with her new Lego set and I’m enjoying these images from today. Nick worked his magic in the kitchen treating us to such an amazing meal – he is a very talented chef. I felt, after hearing the menu yesterday that we had to have a beautifully decorated table if we were to eat such an awesome meal. So I cut out petals and made some flowers, bought some chocolates and got creative. This is how we enjoyed our delicious Christmas dinner:)

Rebecca was enjoying herself with her new little Sylvanian Rabbit family. Christmas presents: necklace, Dora the Explorer shirt… spoilt little girl who is now swimming like a little dolphin after only 3 days spent in the pool this summer:) There is a video of her on my Face book profile. Too cute!

The FOOD – Nick really did such a wonderful job, I wish he had over catered so I could have had seconds but alas there aren’t any left overs. It was really the best Christmas meal I have ever had! Thank you love.

After all your celebrations I hope you have all shared in special times, making new memories and sharing with your loved ones. Thank you for all your support throughout the year and to my RSS feed readers who read my blog regularly, even though I don’t know you all, thank you! God bless. X