Well I’m sitting here trying to think of something to say without sounding to cliched… but really where has the time gone?  I cannot believe my little baby girl has turned two already!?  I have a two year old.  A little person who loves asking “why?”, who loves singing “Baa-baa black sheep” with her dad.   A little person who knows you need to say “excuse me” after you’ve burped (I accidentally burped in front of her and she said – “Excuse you mom”).  A little person who asks to “drive” when we pull up in front of our driveway & excitedly honks on the hooter.  A little person who says “God shut the door!” while we read Noah’s Ark, and a little person who scrunches her eyes up tight while we give thanks for our meal and on cue says “Amen!”  This little person, our little girl, brings so much joy into our lives and we are ever thankful that she is our gift.
So what party do you throw for a two year old?  She loves animals so we decided to choose the “farmyard” as our theme.  The ladies from “Glee” did such an amazing job organising and making the decor, designing the invites and labels, setting up and generally over seeing Rebecca’s farmyard party from start to finish.  I would definitely recommend them to anyone who has the stressful job of trying to arrange a birthday party or a wedding.  They have fun, fresh ideas which are unique to you.  We were so impressed by how they transformed our garden into a little bit of the farmyard.  Rebecca absolutely loved her party.  Thank you Gitta & Lee!! 🙂
Here are a few detail shots from the Party – more to follow soon.

Ah – this cake – Nick and I think we should go on a cake making/icing course – we are both creative people and have these wonderful ideas for cakes, we just sometimes struggle at 1 am in the morning – the night before the party, when the plastic icing starts falling off the cake because we have run out of apricot jam… but we think Rebecca’s cake looks grand – even though it doesn’t really look the way we had planned for it to look.  Most importantly – Rebecca LOVED it!! 🙂